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Overview of Bankruptcy Forecast Research

M.A. Skachinskiy
candidate for a master's degree in Economics and Business Engineering, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
St. Petersburg


  • bankruptcy of legal entities
  • bankruptcy assessment models
  • bankruptcy forecasting
  • bankrupt
  • forecasting methods

The last financial crisis has shown that organization continuity and its stability require a regular analysis of financial condition. Currently, this type of analysis is not carried out properly if at all, which results in a growing number of bankruptcies. Bankruptcy growth has a negative impact on both the economy and social sphere. The economic decline can be seen indecreasing competition, the loss of GDP share, lower assessments to the budget, etc. We analyze the problem of the lack of recommended models and methods to predict the probability of bankruptcy of Russian companies taking into account the growing amount of bankrupt companies. We analyze and compare studies concerning the problem in question.