Верхнее меню

Features of test-cosmonauts’ reaction to exposure to stress in different periods of long isolation in spaceship simulator

S.I. Soroko
Head of the Laboratory of the I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, recipient of the State Prize of the USSR, Doctor of Medicine, professor
St. Petersburg


  • adaptation
  • space flight modeling
  • social isolation
  • stress resistance
  • group compatibility
  • nervous system plasticity
  • medical and physiological selection

We look at individual features of brain neurodynamics in test-cosmonauts at different stages of adaptation to the conditions of long-term isolation in the Ground experimental complex. Special attention is paid to the reaction of participants of 90- and 120-day experiments to emergencies (accidents concerning the life support systems) as well as the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. We present the data connected with the role of personal attitude collected at the final stage of the experiment. The prognostic significance of the assessment of individual stress resistance and group compatibility for the selection of people for further work in the conditions of autonomous existence of small groups (cosmonauts, submariners, polar explorers, small military units) is shown.