Верхнее меню

«Big Project» of Personnel Training System for Domestic Aerospace Industry: To the 75-th Anniversary of the Department of Rocket Engineering of D. Ustinov BSTU «Voenmeh»

V.A. Borodavkin
M.N. Okhochinsky
S.A. Chirikov
vice rector, Head of the Department of Rocket Engineering, D. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University (Voenmeh), Doctor of Engineering, professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of K. Tsyolkovskiy Russian Space Exploration Academy, recipient of the Prize of St. Petersburg in Education
senior lecturer, the Department of Rocket Engineering, D. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University (Voenmeh), PhD in History, associate professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, corresponding member of K. Tsyolkovskiy Russian Space Exploration Academy, recipient of the Prize of St. Petersburg in Education
senior teacher, the Department of Rocket Engineering, D. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University (Voenmeh), recipient of the S. I. Mosin Prize «For significant contribution to the development of science and technology in the field of mechanical engineering and new technologies»
St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg


  • big project
  • rocket and space technology
  • specialists training
  • structure
  • educational process
  • materiel classroom
  • graduates

The article deals with the implementation of one of the «big projects» of the domestic rocket industry ‒ the creation, development and successful functioning of the first Russian specialized department for the training of rocket engineers ‒ the Department of Rocket Engineering of the D. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH». We tell about the main stages of the implementation of the project in question, the structural transformations that the department has undergone as well as the main achievements and problems solved by the teaching staff today.