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Manuscript Formatting

version in Russian

1. Articles should be printed and sent to the editorial staff with an electronic copy or should be submitted electronically by email. Any common fonts are acceptable, for example, Times New Roman Cyr, 14 with 1.5 intervals. We strongly encourage authors to submit fonts for specific symbols.

2. Tables should be printed and submitted on paper.

3. Drawings should be submitted using the most common graphic files. If only a paper drawing is submitted its quality will determine the quality of the illustration in the journal.

4. Numbered formulas and equations should be submitted in a separate paragraph, the number should be at the right edge. Authors should number only those formulas and equations that are used for reference.

5. In the text, citations should be indicated by the reference number in square brackets stating the page number in case of direct citing. For example: [5], [6. page 203].

6. Journal articles in the reference list should include surnames and initials of all authors, complete name of the article, the name of the journal, the year of publication, the number of the issue, page. For example, Levshina V. Developing Quality Management Methods// Higher Education. 2003. № 2(25). Pages 60–63. The reference list should be made in alphabetical order starting with works in Russian and then in foreign languages. Official documents (laws, orders, regulations, etc.) are placed in the beginning of the reference list.

7. When referring to internet resources authors should include the website name an address and the date of using it. For example: Biggest World Banks in 2010// Bank news. URL: (date: 18.11.2011); Shipovskaya O.N., Alexandrov A.V. On Assessing Efficiency of Innovations in Power Industry// Problems of Innovation Economy: collection of materials of international conference. . URL: http://econference.ru/profile/274/ (date: 23.12.2011).

8. When referring to monographs or collections of articles authors should include the following information: surnames and initials of all authors, complete title of the book, city, publishing house, year, total number of pages (if a part of a book is cited only relevant pages should be included in the reference list). For example: Irons K. The Marketing of Services: A Total Approach to Achieving Competitive Advantage. L.: McGraw-Hill, 1997. Р. 193–197. (In accordance with GOST Р 7.0.5-2008. References. Guidelines and requirements)

9. Articles should be submitted to the following address: 2/5 Roschinskaya str., Gatchina, Leningrad reg., Russian Federation. Tel. +7(81371)41-207, e-mail: [email protected].

The editorial staff has the right to edit and abridge manuscripts.